May 19

Science 9 Honours Reflection

Science Honours Reflection

  1. Describe each activity you participated in (include pictures) – What did you do?
    1. The first activity I participated in during science honours was Micro Bits. This activity included learning how to code small circuit boards.
      by the end of the class I was able to make the Micro Bit do many cool things and I was able to leave that day with more knowledge to due with coding.
    2. The second activity I participated in was Etching metal. this activity included drawing designs on to metal using nail polish. Then using a high voltage
      of electricity to change the colours of certain spots of the metal, leaving us with a cool design etched into the metal.
  2. What did you learn? What are you proud of achieving?
    learned how to do many things that I would have never learned if I did not take part in Science Honours, Such as, Coding Micro bots, and  How electricity can change the colour of metal.
    I am very Proud of everything I achieved, but mainly learning about the Micro bits because it opened doors to so many cool things that I have done and could do.
  3. What questions do you have about science that you would be interested in exploring in the future? I would like to dig deeper into electricity, how it works, and how it can be used. Also how Voltage decreases over a distance through different metals. this would be a fun experiment to take part in.