Math 9

This is my bean growth graph. In 26 days we would take a picture every 2 days and record the rate of growth and measure the height of my plant. Unfortunately my second bean died so there is no data for that one.

video bean timelapse


Visual Capitalist assignment:

  1. The topic I chose is internet usage by global region, and I chose this because I found this interesting.
  2. The visual for the data is in many circle graphs
  3. This data tells you that there can be big differences in the internet usage through out the world and not everyone has devices.
  4. The visualization gives the percentage of internet use over many countries.
  5. The visualization was big and colored dark blue which made it look eye-catching.
  6. I do feel comfortable extracting data from this website because it does look legit.
  7. The dark blue color and circle graphs was the most outstanding part of the visualization.
  8. Device companies can use this to find out what problems that people have with technology and can find out where to go.


TFS Digital Learning