English 9

Nature Journaling at təmtəmíxʷtən/Belcarra Park:


This is the journal that we did after our field trip. This was a special experience for me because normally a field trip are meant to be fun and just messing around and stuff. But this time, I was able to learn a lot from this wonderful field trip. Mrs. Cooledge gave us some tasks where we had to find plants that are correspond to the cards she gave us. This is a special experience because the plants I thought were useless is actually used in medicines. Therefore, this field trip was amazing.




This is one of the first language arts assignments I did that involved drawings in it. It was interesting because of the fact that I was able to express my feelings and the things I learned in our recent field trip to Belcarra Park. This assignment involves many research of a seal that I saw in the park, and coloring with water colors.(I did not actually use water colors, I used normal colors instead.) I was able to get extending on this assignment, which I am very proud of since I can’t draw. Overall, this assignment taught me many things, and this is definitely one of the most fun assignments that involves creativity.