My Video:
Failure doesn’t mean the game is over, it means try again with experience. – Len Schlesinger
I chose this quote because it’s talking about when you fail you always get better and succeed. I also like video games a lot and it kind of has a tiny relation towards video games as it has “game over” in it. I play video games like rocket league and battle royale’s, other then video games I like skiing, wake surfing, soccer, and hockey.
I chose this video because it is relatable and hilarious. I think this creator is an amazing comedian and I love his videos. I remember guessing so many questions correct on a Kahoot in grade 6. I won the Kahoot, it was for candy and it was stuff on the test. So by me guessing the questions correctly I was making the teacher think I had studied. That’s why this video is relatable.
My Picture:
This picture may not mean anything to others, but it does for me, and my family. This is my dads first carwash, it opened when I was five, just after my parents had divorced. It was the grand opening picture, before my dad owned 20 locations but lost it all when the market crashed. He decided no to give up and made this masterpiece. This inspires me because I wanna do what he does when I grow up, so this place means a lot to me. He has another location in Langley and is now working in Chilliwack and Victoria.
My Hyperlink:
I chose YouTube because it brings me entertainment. I watch YouTube to learn things, do things, and to do something when I am bored. YouTube is popular and awesome because it has ideas, and cool videos from people around the world. I think YouTube is a great website and hope it stays forever.
My Self-Assessment: