1) Meaningful Quote:
Everything will be ok in the end
if its not ok… then its not the end-John Lennon
- I chose this quote because it is very meaningful to me. I find this quote meaningful because even at the darkest times in your life it means to keep trying. You can chive anything you put your mind to. I feel more poeple should see this quote, especially if they are feeling like they are in a hole. Whenever I feel sad or mad I am going to remember this quote.
2) Embedded Video:
- I chose this video because I think goals are a great way to set and achieve goals. The great thing about goals is that you can have all sorts of different types of goals; long term goals, short term goals, hard/complex goals, simple goals or any other type of goal. I believe more people should set goals, they help you accomplish great things. Goals are great to set not only in your person life but also at work or school. a simple goal that helps me is to make mini due dates when you get a big project.
3) Inspiring Picture:
- I find this picture very touching because I know this feeling, I have felt this before. in grade 7 my friends and I won volleyball districts. it was such a special moment we had each other in tears because we were so proud of each other… we even had our amazing coaches in tears. I have also felt a proud moment like that many times at horse shows. My horse Mel travel to the States and other parts of B.C. to do competitive horse shows. To get to these points it takes a lot hard work and perseverance.
4) Create a Hyperlink:
I chose this hyperlink because I find it very inspiring. There are tons of very modivational blogs that people have written. I feel more people need to see these.
6) Change the Blog Theme:
- Click on Appearance -> Themes,
- Choose a theme
- Did your menus disappear? – ask your Digital Learning teacher to help you bring them back or proceed to number 7 below.
- Chose a design that is thoughtful and able to be read easily.
7) Delete Extra Instructional Text (after you have read through the final instructions):
- Delete any instructional text that was here before you started editing
- Remember this is your page, so make it your own!
- Publish only work that you have added, typed, uploaded or pasted here.
8) Submit your Blog Link to Microsoft Teams:
- Copy the URL link and add it to the Microsoft Teams Assignment
- Remember – this current editing view is not your published page
- Select the permalink above this text editing area or highlight the URL (https://…) when viewing the public page
OPTIONAL HOW TO: Customize – Tasks (delete all this when done too)
Blog Appearance:
- Click on Appearance -> Customize
1) Site Identity –
- Edit the title of your blog
- Do not include your last name in it
- Try editing your tagline
2) Colours
- Edit the colour scheme of your blog
3) Header Image
- Change the picture in your header
4) Background Image
- Adjust your background image
5) Menus
- Create a menu structure
- select Menu Location -> Primary Menu -> About Me
- Click Save to ensure it stays with any theme you choose
6) Widgets
- Locate and see all the widgets on your blog
7) Static Front Page
- Front Home Page Display is set to -> Static Page
- Front Page is set to -> About Me