Science 9

Currently our group are working on making a solar panel to help with making electricity in a ecofriendly way. Our group is making a solar panel using a copper board, etching the copper, and then connecting it to a phone charger to charge a phone. So far the group has got most of the materials needed and have made the lines to use the sawdering iron on. As this was going on me and some of my other group grabbed the sawdering iron to connect the wires together. We also stripped the wire to find which ones are the positive or negative ones. I researched how we were going to calculate the amount of energy it produced.

Our future plans for the solar panel are to go to the chemistry room to etch the copper board. We have to use the chemistry room as the fumes from the ferric chloride can be dangerous to inhale. After that we are going to clean the copper board with alcohol to make it safe to touch. Then we will connect the wires to the copper and connect it to the phone. This will hopefully be able to make enough energy to make the phone charge.


This is my groups Solar Panel Presentation.


This slideshows shows what we did in the process of making a solar panel. While it seems like a difficult task ( and it is) our group had fun making it. We show our different techniques to create the solar panel like etching which is a printmaking process to indent the copper and soldering which is used to put tin on the board and let it conduct electricity. While we are currently not finished yet, when we are we will add the conclusion of our experiment.