Drafting 10

Drafting 10 Projects

Gravity Car

One of our key projects this year was the gravity car. The objective was to design and construct a functional car using cardboard, featuring a 3D-printed axle. I successfully designed a car that demonstrated structural integrity and rolled down the track with exceptional speed and efficiency. The rear wheels were crafted from a paper towel roll and empty filament cartridges, while the front axle and wheels were 3D-printed. As a result, I was able to develop one of the fastest and most efficient cars in the class.


3D Printed Bath Bomb Molds

One of our projects this year involved designing and creating a custom bath bomb mold for someone we knew. I chose to design a mold for my brother, which I created using Fusion 360. The design was a soccer jersey featuring his name and number (16). To produce the mold, I used TPU, a flexible plastic. During the process, I encountered challenges with printing, as TPU attracts moisture quickly, which can damage the filament.

The bath bombs were made from a mixture of citric acid, baking powder, Epsom salts, cornstarch, food coloring, and scents. I selected red food coloring, as it is my brother’s favorite color. I also incorporated detailed elements into the mold to ensure it closely resembled his actual soccer jersey.

I am particularly proud of how the mold turned out, and I consider this project to be one of my best accomplishments in drafting so far.