About Me

“Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering”


This quote means a lot to me because with all the fear and anger in the media and around the world today we are all bound to suffer. There is too much hate in the world that probably started out as anger and fear.   https://youtu.be/Syc-gHDTjAQ

This picture inspires me because it is a book my Opa wrote on real estate. Around half my family is in business and the fact that he is quite successful is a huge inspiration for me to go into the business world. Ever since I was young I was obsessed with the idea of money so at the age of 8 I had saved up money for 5 years to get the lego death star (the collectors’ edition one). From then on I was obsessed with the idea of making money and ways to make more and was only encouraged of this path by my family in business.

A Website I enjoy:
Wiki Fandom

An odd website I enjoy but I play a lot of video games and I normally go here to find out more about the community as well as the game itself. Most of the time before I start playing a game I already have a goal and a place I want to get to without even touching the game as well as the best paths to get there.


TFS Digital Learning