Drafting 9
We started off with 2 large cardboard pads, and exacto knife scissors a lot of duct tape and a bucnch of masking tape
We started by cutting our cardboard into 4 pieces, we used 2 pieces for the bottom 1 piece for the walls and the last piece for our motor bit
this is the first piece of the base
We then added a second piece on top of the first one to make a pocket
this is our motor that was mostly to make it look like a boat it wasent very functional
This is our final product without the motor
this is our final motor bit
this is our final product after everything is added
and our final product turned out to to pretty well and we got second in our heat and our boat floated pretty well in the float test
in the steam fair me and my partner Landon made a remote control formula one (F1) car. I thought this idea would be a cool project because I’m very passionate about the sport of F1 and I believe it is something that i wouldn’t slack off on or procrastinate. we made the car using the engine of a bigger RC car by cutting off the body of the car we then went on by rebuilding the body using the 3D printer, we had tons of mistakes when it came to printing and our time, If you notice in the photo below we are missing a back wing, this was because on the final day of working it got dropped and broke into bits, we didn’t have enough time to rebuild it so we had to deal with it. We had a second issue with printing when we tried to print the front wing, we struggled with painting the front wing, the first time i tried to print the scale was off and I had to reprint it 2 times before
finally on the 3rd reprint attempt I got the scale right and we used that front wing on the car, our last two ‘unlucky’ mistake we had was on the day of the steam fair, we started to drive it around when the battery was charged and BOOM we crashed it into someone’s foot, after using a bit to much hot glue which you can see right in between the front wing and the chassis i got it fixed and wanted to try driving it one more time but outside this time, i started driving and the steering was off it swerved a bit right and BOOM again I crashed only this time right into a wall knocking the front wing off making me use EVEN MORE hot glue to fix and that’s when we decided not to drive it anymore and just show people it worked by revving the motor. I had a great experience and i really think we did well, I think next time i would’ve maybe started the printing process a bit earlier because i felt like we were in a pinch for time towards the end, I do like our poster board and think that was a key part of our success.