Passion Project 2024

We chose to make a pathfinding robot because, our original idea of our project was to make a guiding dog like robot. But as we were doing our research, we found out it will be kind of difficult to make a guiding dog, so we chose to make a pathfinding robot instead.

The picture above is the picture of our robot.   

In the beginning of our project, we had some issues with the robot. The first issue we had was the robot not turning exactly 90°.  Since the robot would keep on turning the wrong way or not exactly 90°, the robot kept on crashing into the wall. But as he fixed the code and worked on it, we found the problem and made the robot turn 90°.  One of our mistakes was not bringing the charger the night before. The day before the steam fair, we were planning to charge the robot, so we would have 100% when the steam fair starts. But since we got distracted in making the feedback box in block D, we forgot to bring the charger. So, in block A, he went to the library and charged the robot before the Steam fair started. Thankfully, when it started, we had about 75% of battery. We had another problem that we still couldn’t fix even on the day of the steam fair. The problem was our front sensor not working and crashing into the wall. We couldn’t find any solution for this because the sensor is too old, and it started to not work. It was a 50:50 chance of working.  

This was one of the videos that we took during the testing.

After we actually made the walls with the cardboard, we tried testing again and the robot worked pretty well. But the problem was the wall holder. The wall holder was too weak to hold the walls, so if the robot touches the wall, the wall would just fall over. So we had to re-design the holder again. we had to make the width 3 times bigger, for each and make another holder that will hold both cardboard.


we were originally going to print these, but we didn’t have enough time for it.

To make the sound for when the robot finishes the maze, we went on a zoom and I made a short melody by controlling his screen.

This was the result we had in STEAM fair. Even when we were doing it in steam fair, our front motor still had some problems but every time that happened we showed people the video above to show them what happened.