3D biome project
Our first project in Drafting was 3D biome project. You had to make a biome design in 3D with a partner. The Biome we chose was the Sea.
You first had to point the coordinates on the graph paper. Then you had to cut out the paper following the lines and fold it to make it 3D. For this one, you didn’t have to do this with your partner.

Then my partner and I strated to draw and colour the organisms in the sea.

These are the drawings I drew, in this picture there are: Otter, Sea Urchin, Fisher Boat, Crab, Star Fish and lastly mussels. There is a drawing of my first otter that failed but I drew another one that fits the size and looks better.
This was our first paper draft by using Auto CAD and the laser cutter.

My partner and I made this paper draft with the Auto CAD and laser cutter. We had to design the draft first with Auto CAD, connect to the laser cutter and cut it out. It turned out well compared to the graph paper draft.

we printed out the hard paper model and coloured it. Then we coloured and cut the drawings out. We chose to put the animals in the place by where they will be found at the specific sea level. There are(starting from the bottom) crabs, mussels, kelp, sea weed, orca, sea star, barnacles, salmons, seal, otter and the fisher’s boat for the human.
The drawing on the top is my 1st perspective drawing. My first 1st perspective didn’t get a good mark because the lines were not even so it looked kind of wonky. But this one you see at the top is my second drawing. That time I actually measured it correct so thankfully I got a good mark on my second one.
This drawing was my 2nd perspective drawing. I watched a tutorial video to draw it. Unfortunately I made a mistake on the stair part. If you look closely the stairs on the sides are not even and straight. But thankfully I still got a good mark on this drawing.
We had to draw another 3D drawing one the isolmetric paper. This was easier to draw than the other ones because there was a guideline.
These are the stickers I made. The NCT DREAM sticker was my first sticker to make. This took me long to make because it didn’t save so I had to re do it every time. The heart shaped charcter was my second sticker that I made. This one was pretty easy to make because at that time I got pretty used to using autoCAD and printing out stickers. The initial sticker was easiest to make because I just typed my intial and used a font.
This one was my first Laser cutting on wood. I had to make two because for some reason the laser did not cut equally so I had to cut it out again. Luckily the second one came out pretty well.
This is my wooden dice I made. I made my first dice on card board but I couldn’t find a picture of it. Anyways, my first dice came out weird because I accidentally made my measure wrong. So I printed it out again and fortunately it came out well. So I printed it cut it out of wood with the same design.
This was the first boat I made. This one was successfully done without any mistakes. In my opinion 3d printing was my favourite. I used Fusion 360 to make it. It was easier to make because I was watching the tutorial video.
These are the sketch for the steam tower. I don’t know why but we didn’t really measure the scale even though we had the graph paper. But in the future we are going to sketch it with the correct scale.
To begin with the main structure of the boat, we drew a rectangle shape on the big card board. Then we checked if Emma would be able to fit in the rectangle. after we checked that she can fit and has enough space, we made a triangle shape at the front and back. we also had to measure the height of the boat because if the boat’s wall is too tall, then Emma wouldn’t be able to row the boat with the paddle. While Emma and Somi were working on the boat, Ashley and I started to work on the paddle. First, we started to measure Emma’s hand size. Then we cutted out the board with the measurements. We made a tiny handle on the paddle so she could put her hand inside it and make sure it doesn’t fall out. We taped the both paddle and the boat so it doesn’t get wet and sink. But one of the conflict was that we ran out of the waterproof tape. So we couldn’t really tape some part of the boat.
It took our boat 2mins and 4seconds to reach to the end of the pool. the speed of our boat was 0.2m/s.
In my opinion, our boat neither succed of failed because, half of our boat sank, but we still have made it to the end of the lane. Our Factor for the failure was not having enough tape than we should. When we were taping the bottom part of our boat, we ran out of tape when we got our taping 85% done. So we had to figure out another way to make it waterproof. I can’t remember it well, but I believe we taped the bottom of our boat with the duct tape. when we were builfing the boat, we found a tiny hole in our boat. Suprisingly, our boat didnt half sink because of that. The main problem was the bottom of the boat that wasn’t taped well. Our factor to success was building a good structure of the boat. Even though we had some mistakes, I personally think we had a pretty good structure of the boat.
Things that we could improve for our voat design is to make a bottom that is more stablized and try not to make a whole. When I re watched the video, I found out hat the bottom of our boat wasn’t stable enough. Another thing we could improve is to not make a hole in the structure next time so we wouldn’t have to waste the tape.
The mass of the Paddler made the buoyancy less because obviously, the weight adds more to the boat, so the buoyancy got lower.
Overall, I enjoyed doing the boat race, and when I do this again next year, I will try to not make the same mistake again make a better boat.
Our last drafting project before passion project, we made the Steam Tower. We designed both of the floor plans together. Emma made the walls for the tower and the general buildings and I made all the furniture for both of the tower floors.
Obviously, we used Fusion 360 to design the floors and the furnitures.
This floor was the first one that we designed. when you enter the floor, the first thing you will see is a kitchen, two chairs and a table. If you go inside the house, you can see the two doors leading to the room and the living room. If you go inside the room, you can see that there is a bed, a carpet, a closet, and a desk in each room. If you look at the left side of the floor, you can see a door leading towards the bathroom and to the balcony. If you go to the balcony, there isn’t anything much about it. There is only a carpet in the balcony. If you go to the bathroom, you can see a sink, toilet, bathtub, towel hanger, and a towel.
This was the second floor we designed. There isn’t anything much in this floor. If you go in this floor, you can see nine laundries and two baskets in the corner. If you look closely to the basket, you can tell there are three baskets stacked on top of each other.
Overall, this project was very fun to do because we were able to learn new things in Fusion 360 and I’m pretty satisfied with our finished product.