Hello, I’m Lynden Huynh

about me

I am a grade 9 steam student at Terry Fox Secondary. Some things about me is that I play on the titans U15 B softball team I also play on the predators U15 C3 hockey team. during my free time i like to cook and bake, and when i can i babysit. my favorite thing to do is traveling i love traveling because i like to see all the buildings and i love all the different food.

school pillars 

the four pillars at terry fox secondary is perseverance, kindness, integrity and leadership. the one that connects to me is  leadership. what does it mean to have leadership? well i think that leadership comes with lots of responsibility and they are someone that others look up to. this connects to me because i was picked to be in the leadership program at Kwayquitlam middle school. we ran our own assemblies, set up all the events, and  organized school fundraisers. on my hockey team last year i was team captain i ran everyone through warm up and help them when needed.





the website that inspires me the most is food network because i love cooking and baking. but my favourite part is when i get to eat it.


the way that i show leadership everyday is coaching my little sisters softball team. i understand what it means to be a leader. it means not being the best but just trying your best its about showing that you care about the people you work with. its about the responsibility and the commitment.