About Me
1) Meaningful Quote:
Your Time is limited, so dont waste it living someone elses life. Dont be trapped by dogma.- Steve Jobs
Why I chose this quote, it says alot about being yourself and being authentic.
2) Embedded Video:
I chose this video because it shows the rapid evolution of technology seen within the 2000s.
3) Inspiring Picture:
Terry Fox is an insperational figure to many, he went to great lengths to raise money for cancer reaserch.
5) Self Assessment:
- Find the self-assessment document in Microsoft Teams
- Complete the assessment and embed the document here
- Click on the following button at the top of this editing box to embed it
Blog Appearance:
- Click on Appearance -> Customize
1) Site Identity –
- Edit the title of your blog
- Do not include your last name in it
- Try editing your tagline
2) Colours
- Edit the colour scheme of your blog
3) Header Image
- Change the picture in your header
4) Background Image
- Adjust your background image
5) Menus
- Create a menu structure
- select Menu Location -> Primary Menu -> About Me
- Click Save to ensure it stays with any theme you choose
6) Widgets
- Locate and see all the widgets on your blog
7) Static Front Page
- Front Home Page Display is set to -> Static Page
- Front Page is set to -> About Me