Digital Citizenship

Short ParagraphThis page is all about digital awareness and how one small video can effect dozens. Showcasing ways to prevent it and my personal experiences. Though you might not think of it as a big deal, something silly can escalate to bigger things. Causing everyone to suffer. The spread of disinformation happens to often whether we like it not, and we as humans make mistakes, forget details. But this is spreading disinformation, even if it was not intentional.

Give an example/share an experience of how disinformation impacted you or a community-This audio is about an experience of how disinformation impacted me and a community. It is also where I discuss how a small silly TikTok can effect many. I specifically go into detail on how a TikTok video showing how to open a cool setting on my phone, turned into chaos. Impacting the police’s  efficiency,  me and many others in the TikTok community.

How would you help your fellow classmate identify and stop the spread of disinformation-This audio explains what I would do to help my fellow classmate identify and stop the spread of disinformation. It goes into detail and how would suggest them to thoroughly look through the page checking for key aspects and if they do find disinformation advising them to report it, whether the fake news is online or in person .