About Me
 Meaningful Quote:
I chose this quote because it talks about trying things and doing them no matter how hard it will be. It represents taking risks and taking chances. It reminds we when I play hockey to take a shot rather than not, even if you’re scared.
2) Favourite Video:
I chose it because he is one of my favorite hockey players. It is cool to see his amazing stick handling.
3) Inspiring Picture:
I chose this picture because this is the moment where Sydney Crosby scores the golden goal in the 2010 Vancouver Olympics for Canada to win!
4) Create a Hyperlink:
I chose this website because I love to look at all the different shoes the have. Even if I am not buying them, it’s still fun to look.
5) Self Assessment: Find the self-assessment under your About Me Page Assignment in Microsoft Teams and download it. Complete the assessment and embed the document at the bottom of your About Me Page. Click on the following button at the top of this editing box –