About Me
About Me
My Peter i am 13 year old, and I have one dog, I enjoy to do snowboarding and playing badminton. My favourite drink and food are Cola and pizza (i just don’t get them a lot though)
Four Pillars
There is 4 pillars in TFSS are leadership, integrity, kindness and perseverance, leadership stand out the most to me because we can use leadership anywhere, for school having leadership can help you and your team getting a better mark or work harder.
Leadership video
I chose this video because it represents leadership with everyone’s idea and people might see “leadership” different from each other, like some people might think leadership is forcing people to do this they don’t want to do, and turning them into a robot that only works, but some people might think that leadership is a group of people to lead other groups of people to success. Everyone in the video all have a very good idea about “leadership” and sometime it’s good to listen to different people’s ideas.
Favourite Website
A website that is meaningful to me is Youtube, because i go on it everyday and watch video on it or learn thing from it.