Drafting 9
For my first version air ballon car it did’n turn out that well, but with my second version of my Air ballon car it worked okay. with all the test i did with it gives me a average of 1.5m. For my second air ballon car, I printed it with Tristan, so thats why you see his name on it, my name is on the side on the ca
Hyde Creek Boat Races
We had to build our boats out of cardboard for the Hyde Creek boat race. First, we’re given 2 hours to finish building the boat and later to buy down to race with. The racing part had three matches with different people and boats for the rewards: Fastest, most stable boat/last the longest, and the best sinking. For the fastest boat, it’s just that whoever gets to the end fastest wins, and for the most stable boat/lasts the longest, you’ll have to finish the race, and every 10 minutes or so, you’ll have to add another person onto the boat. Last is the best sinking award given to the best sinks. Our group went for the most stable boat reward, though we got disqualified because our second person was 20 seconds late to go on the boat.
Though we did sink, I think the boat itself can still be improved. If I build it again, I will use more waterproof tape around the ship and work to make the boat’s wall shorter so it’s easier to paddle to the end.
Find your Passion project!
For the Find Your Passion project, Tristan and I focused on physics. We found projects like building a roller coaster, building a bridge, and hosting charity events. Aside from the charity event, everything had something to do with Physics. The project didn’t take long to complete because it was mainly just researching things and copying them down.