All about Richard

1) Meaningful Quote:

“No pain, No gain” -Benjamin Franklin

I chose this quote because whenever I need motivation I would always apply this quote into my head.

2) Embedded Video:

I chose this video (song) because this song has been with me for a very long time, and the song is just super well made.


3) Inspiring Picture:

I chose this logo because I love playing video games with my friends, especially this one. I almost play this game daily with friends and family motivating and playing with me.

League of Legends

4) Create a Hyperlink:

I have a very good memory just from this URL and website. This website gives me good memories of the past with friends, we would try and stare at it for as long as possible.

Staggering Beauty

5) Self Assessment:


My Pillar:

My Pillar Self Assessment:


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