About Me

Your “About Me” page is an introduction about you and a place to practice building your website.  As you get more comfortable, it becomes an opportunity to express who you are and share the things you like to do. Your blog is where you can share your growth and experiences of Digital Learning at Terry Fox Secondary.


my name is Ryder Brooks, i am 14 and am very immature for my age but that’s what makes me fun to be with, or that’s what my friends say. i have a lot of interests ranging from PC building, Aerospace, Military vehicles. But half the time i am pretty shy and quiet.


Perseverance is pushing through everyday improving a tiny bit each day even pushing through the day when it gets rough.


Kindness is being considerate and generous and practically being overall friendly to everyone you meet on a daily basis.


 Integrity is being able to be honest and maintain your morales and ethics.


Leadership is being able to take lead in any situation rather rough or easy whether it be a group of classmates or an entire department.

Why is kindness meaningful to me?
The reason its meaningful to me is because kindness can change someone’s day, even from a singular act. as people could be having the worst day of their life but being kind and talking to them and being there for them can change their day


Who do you feel represents kindness?
Gabe Newell Sees Single Player Games Making a Comeback Against Multiplayer Thanks to AI | JoyFreak
Personally, a person who represents kindness for me is Gaben Newell as even though he is a CEO he is still very kind. For example, during a few development streams he told his community to send him their DOTA-2 mega kills and he would Responds to them. even though he has said that a while ago, he still upholds it to this day

In the clip that i have shown i choice it because unlike other competitors at the time Gaben always considered everyone gamers/employees alike

What website is meaningful to you?
A website that is meaningful to me is this, as it shows creativity from hundreds of people while also making it easy to show your work. There is also a lot of room to congratulate people on their work and even collab with people in making music

How do you use all of the pillars on a daily basis in your life?
How i manage to use all of these pillars is somewhat close to how i describe them.
Perseverance, i use Perseverance to attempt to help me in situations where i need to work hard or just make do with the situation i am in to achieve or work to a goal that i have set for myself.
Kindness, i use kindness to include everyone and respect everyone no matter what they like or look as kindness is one of the least things spread in this modern time.
Integrity, i use integrity to maintain a sort of stability in my life differentiating from right and wrong, as having morals is the best thing to have as morals run our society today and in every corner of this earth.
Leadership, i use leadership to help lead in times where nobody else rises up to be a leader, i may not be a great leader but if i need to i will gladly step up. leaders help us by setting role models and showing expectations to the people following as leaders are everywhere from countries, organizations, groups, councils and governments,