A meaningful quote that I say to myself
“Rest in the end, not in the middle”
Mr Fisk “Kobe Bryant’s English teacher”
I chose this quote because when your working hard and putting time into something that you love, you shouldn’t rest in the middle because, the job or goal isn’t finished. You should rest at the end after the jobs finished or goal has been met. An example for me when I’m climbing a hill on my mountain bike why should I rest in the middle when I can rest at the end and be proud of myself for climbing a pitch without stopping.
An Inspirational video that helps me stay motivated
This is the video I chose (down below) I chose this video because, the way it’s says to use other people’s hate towards you to make yourself better without listening to them. When people are talking behind your back or gossiping about you don’t listen to them use it as motivation to make yourself the best you can be until they have nothing more to gossip about, then you have won. I just really like that concept and find it very motivating and inspiring.
An inspiring photo to me
I chose this picture because the person with the Canada sleeve and the helmet on is my favourite mountain biker Finn Iles, in this picture he got 4th place in the UCI World Cup, seeing him succeed inspires me to do my best and try to get where he is today.
4) Create a Hyperlink:
That website is important to me because it keeps me up to date on what’s going on in the mountain bike world!
5) Self Assessment: