Our first real assignment in ADST (if I’m remembering properly) was to make some stickers on the Cricut machines. It was pretty fun, I made four stickers in total and put them on this folder (featured below)
From left to right the stickers are: Turtle-sticker, Triforce-sticker, My-name-sticker, No-eating-in-the-lab-sticker.
I now know how to make a sticker
The drafting assignment that I am most proud of is the 3D printed cars. For this assignment we had to:
1. Follow a Tinkercad tutorial to make a balloon powered car
2. Print and test the car to determine the effectiveness of the design
3. Design a new model of car based on what we had learned
4. Test the new 3D printed, balloon powered car
5. Record all of the results on a spreadsheet
The reason that I am proud of this is not because of the distance that my car was able to travel but because of the silliness of the car itself (pictures below).
(made by following the tutorial, average distance: 0.0375)
(my car that I designed, average distance: 0.8825)
You will notice that the orange car does not have four wheels, nor does it have a space to attach the balloon to. I had a chat with Ms. Lauder about the semantic criteria of “balloon powered car” and all that the design has to have is: wheels and (an) axle(s) and the power has to come from the wind of a balloon. So for my design I made a “car” that was as light as possible and then made a ramp with a wall at the back (the balloon attachment port was on the wall so that it could blow the car forwards), the car would be held on the ramp until the balloon was attached and then it would be released and go as far as the ramp wanted to.
the word “car” is subjective