steam 9


I arrived upon the premises of Hyde Creek Recreation Centre at precisely 8:20 am and the moment that the clock struck 9:00 am, everyone began to pile in to the large boat-making room with a window overlooking the main pool (and the racing grounds for our flimsily built vessels of floatation) so that they could listen to some safety guidelines for the construction of our miniature yachts. Once safety was no longer of any great concern, the many boating teams went off to gather the required materials, and commence with the slicing of the raft-pieces and the duct-taping of the cardboard.

(boat makers in action)

T’was a long and arduous 2 hours with much struggling and a great many geometric estimations, but once we had properly sealed the barge, we were given a time to relax, chat and eat a splendid portion of pizza (ordered by Ms. Amin from Panago). There was a great unrest among the STEAM cohorts, as we eagerly awaited the sailing of the ships, then we collected our teams, our cardboard abominations, and our swim supplies and we we began.

(the rest of the team would be here too, but they abandoned me)

You’ll notice a supporting crossbeam over the middle of the boat, this will become quite important later though I didn’t know it at the time. Once Lynden and Arella found the me and the boat again it was decided that I would be the one to valiantly sail across the length of the pool, so I buckled up a lifejacket (which I still think is ridiculous because I know how to swim) taped on my cardboard flippers (which fell off, so they don’t show up in any images) and got in the boat for the second race of the afternoon.

(my team getting ready for the race)

Water splishing, Boaters getting ready, the stakes COULD NOT be higher. Bets have been placed! Smack-talk has commenced! Three trophies are on the line! Who will win in the ultimate test of aquatic engineering‽ A hush falls over the crowd… Everybody goes silent in anticipation… And we’re off! Two boats on either side of me sink immediately! I’m cramped as my boat folds and pushes into my sides. But I press on! Slowly but surely I make my way to the end of the pool. This boat may not be the fastest, but it’s staying up!

 (me, having successfully paddled across the pool)

And I’m there! I did it! My teammates are gone again but I move into the floating lane without them and I get some much needed relax time, (if you can even call it that).

(hardened boat veteran, enjoying success)

Once I was in the floating lane, I lied down in Boat and chatted with the least valued members of the other teams (and I only call them that because their teams forced them to be the ones in the boats, though they were the most important ones by far) and we all had a good time just floating and chilling. For about ten minutes, because that was the time when person 2 (Lynden) had to get in the boat. This was not good, the boat already had a tear (which I was able to patch with spare tape from the previously mentioned crossbeam) and some water in it. Once Lynden got in, it all got worse.

(Lynden and I, sitting in a boat that’s about to capsize)

More and more water started leaking in from the back wall. The boat was folding so much that I had to hold it together with my own two hands. We kept getting lower and lower. And then it was person 3(Arella)’s time to get in, but there wasn’t enough room and so the boat sank so fast that nobody even got a picture. That was probably the most fun activity that I have ever done in the STEAM program (and that’s a really high bar).

In the end, our boat came at an impressive third (in longest float because I didn’t make it across the pool very fast). I’m quite proud of that day, and I hope next year’s race will be just as cool.