- What is disinformation (Fake News)?
Information that is wrong and typically spreads around the internet by people knowing it’s wrong or unknowingly.
2. How does disinformation impact a community?
I think it would be impacting the community in a bad way because those who are more gullible or just don’t know anything about that topic believe causing it to spread faster, other than that maybe you could say it’s making more work for other people because they must go through it all to fact check it.
3. Give an example/share an experience of how disinformation impacted you or a community.
The problem with this question is that I don’t use social platforms except for my pixil art website and there you can have conversations but no one or at least I don’t use it that way. But if I did have to say something I’d say memes because they typically are obviously not true but sometimes people might fall for them.
4. How would you help your fellow classmates identify and stop the spread of disinformation?
Well just telling them that I don’t think that’s true if I believe it’s fake or know it is and if everyone did that then disinformation would be slowed or stopped spreading much faster.