Capstone Project

Passion Project 2023:

For my passion project of 2023, I chose to create a videogame using Unity and C# code with Rameshinder and Jordan.


Since we all enjoy coding and gaming, we decided to mix it up a bit and create our own FPS game.

We implemented a shooting system with coded AI that will path-find to follow you and use their attack.

Steam Fair Project Powerpoint

The link above directs you to a Powerpoint that shows specific details of our project and behind the scenes.

This trailer showcases our game that we made in Unity with C#. It shows our gameplay, game modes, and shows off the custom AI.

Some problems I faced while I was working on my part of the project was definitely the code part. It took a lot of time and effort to code the AI and to make all the different states that it can be in. This was also hard to correlate it to the animation of the AI since I had to create new variables that were called when it was in the current state to trigger the animation.

I also had to put lots of time and effort into the video editing for our trailer and modify the clips so it would fit in with the background music. We also had to collectively fix problems with referencing scripts as that was our main problem in our project.


Some things I succeeded in would be things like fixing my syntax errors and correcting incorrect references of my scripts to my objects. I also succeeded in learning about C# and Unity as it was my first time ever using unity to create a game.

We plan on continuing our exploration of our computer science interests throughout the year and continuing using unity and maybe even attempting to use Unreal Engine eventually. I enjoyed creating a game with my friends and hope it can continue in the future