Class Projects

My Drafting Video:

Drafting Video PowerPoint – YouTube

Pictures of my Projects:

Nature Collage Project:

Me and my group made this nature collage to show the importance of wildlife and the impact of construction on natural habitats.

My Salmon Project:

Although it is hard to see, my salmon project’s main idea was to keep salmon eggs safe from sand and sediment by keeping them in a little container that has a filter to allow water through.

My Sustainable Energy Project:

I made a wind turbine for my sustainable energy project. When a motor is connected to it and it is put into a wind tunnel, then it will spin and generate electricity.

My Cool Gingerbread House:

This is a picture of my gingerbread house that I made with my friends in science.

My Drawings:


This is my one point perspective drawing. I drew a house, fields, power lines, a sidewalk, mountains, and a large road that goes off into the point. The one point represents the furthest spot where you can’t see anything past that.

This is my two point perspective drawing. I have stairs that lead up to two houses on a flat piece of land. They both have a slanted roof with the line going towards the points.

This is my 3 point perspective drawing. I drew a skyscraper from the perspective of looking up towards the top. I drew 3 floors, then the rest of the tower until it reaches the highest point.

This is my emoji graphing project from math. I plotted the points on the graph, connected the lines, fine lined, and colored the monkey until it looks like this.

This is my drawing of the Terry Fox garden. It has every plot of the garden and has the names of each type of plant that is growing in each of the plots. (it might be hard to see because it is a bit blurry so I enlarged it)


LEGO Mindstorms

Video Download:

Lego Mindstorms

Me and Lucas created this Lego robot that is able to drive in all directions

with a remote control. It is also able to pickup items on the ground with it’s little arms. We added multiple motors to allow the movement of the robot and made it able to be controlled remotely with a remote control and sensor which can detect the controller from about half the room away.

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My drawings include a 1-4 point perspective drawings. I have also drawn STEA

M on isometric paper with shading. For my last drawing I drew the hallway outside of the old drafting classroom to be accurate from the spot that I took the picture at.


Maze project:


My maze project resembles a gear relating to STEAM. It also has animals relating to biology and the Blakeburn lagoon.


Gravity Car:


This is the gravity car that me, Jordan, and Lucas made in class. We used recycled materials for everything, 3d printed the wheels, and laser cut a tesla logo to go on it.


Lit Launchers:


This is my 3d printed catapult for our lit launchers project. I designed everything on my own and used fusion 360 to create this. I used trial and error to learn more about fusion 60 and other software to create 3d models. I designed ridges in the two pillars to keep the elastic secure as well as add a latch on the back of the arm to hold the elastic.

Ping Pong Pickup Challenge:


This is our ping pong picker upper. We made it able to pickup a ping pong ball over 100 cm away.

Cardboard Boat Challenge:


This is me in a boat that I made with my friends. I made it across the pool without sinking.


Previous Passion Project:

These a some screenshots from our previous passion project. The first image is a picture of a loading screen title that we custom made. The second screenshot is a sprite sheet which is linked to a code file to animate and create stats for each piece of armor. The last screenshot is

a piece of code that I wrote for a piece of naturally spawning ore in a custom biome that we made.


Current Passion Project:

Me Rameshinder and Jordan have been wanting to create a FPS Roguelike shooter game using Unity. So far we have watched tutorials and implemented the code we learned into our own game.