Student Spaceflight Experiments Project

Student Spaceflight Experiments Program Page:

The SD43 SSEP community invites all students, K-12, to participate in designing a Mission Patch. Mission patches have been part of human spaceflight since the days of Project Mercury in the 1960s. The Student Spaceflight Experiments Program [SSEP] Mission Patch Competition therefore allows communities to engage in another authentic aspect of the space program.

Upload and embed your Mission Patch to your SSEP page – Due February 1st.


  • Click on Upload Document and find the document you want to embed.
  • After choosing it, click on the blue select button in the bottom right.
  • You should see some coded text in the space where you want the document to appear.
  • Click on update and preview changes to see the embedded document on your page.


  • If you have a picture you want to add to your website already saved on your computer, simply go to the Add Media button located on the top of the page, and follow the steps to upload your picture.
  • If you have Googled an image, click on the image, then click the ‘View Image’ button, then copy the URL, and either add the URL in the Add Media button or paste it into your website.
  • For more detailed information on how to insert images click here

Submit a link to your SSEP PAGE in Microsoft Teams:

Copy the URL link to your published page and submit it through your Digital Learning Team. Remember, this current editing page is not your published page, you want to either select the permalink above this text editing area or highlight the URL (https://…) when you are viewing the public page.