Drafting Semester 2


Passion Project

Arduino Car

The passion project that I have been working on over the past month and a it was my Arduino car. My original plan for this car was to have a Bluetooth module connected to it in order to wirelessly control this Arduino, but it didn’t quite work out. Instead I programmed it to quickly demonstrate the ability to move in all the different directions. Over the summer I may try to figure this out.

Video of my car in motion.

I made this using my Arduino and dc motors. It starts its pre programmed route with the touch of a button then will idle until activated again. The base of this car was made using the laser cutter.


Other Projects:

Unfortunately I lost my previous video documenting all the assignments I did in semester 1 so I will be going over semester 2.

Minecraft Sustainable City

The sustainable city project was a group project with the goal of building a fully self sustainable city while keeping the environment clean. This project took up quite a bit of the semester. Even though it took a while it was still a pretty fun project and i think the others would agree. Our group made a really big city that we are all proud of. Here are just a couple screenshots of our city:


Perspective Drawing

This is a 1 point perspective drawing of my bedroom.