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In the fields (Luca’s blog)

What is STEAM?

STEAM is… Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math.


Why did I choose to join the STEAM program?

I thought I could help this new program that the school was offering, by trying it out. I also liked the appeal of the chosen set of classes that we get to work with. Also the big creativity aspect, you get to do anything for the passion project. Also the ability to use new technology is always a plus. I always look forward to the cool machines I might get to use. Things like 3D printers, CNC routers, sticker cutters, and even embroidery machines. Then use these machines to make things, to put them all together at the end of the year, and have one big project like a portfolio.


Who inspires me?

Mark Rober and the Donut Media crew.

Mark Rober

Image result for mark rober Image result for mark rober channel logo

Mark Rober is aa former NASA engineer that now creates cool youtube videos that most of the time, have something to do with informing you about something. he builds what he sees and what he thinks would be cool. Some examples are a squirrel ninja course and a porch pirate, anti theft device.

Quote: If I see a problem, I like to think if there is a better way to do it.

Donut Media

Image result for Donut Media james

Image result for Donut Media Nolan Face <- Nolan

Image result for Donut Media james <- James

    Image result for Donut Media zach jobe <- Zach

See the source image <- Jeremiah

These car guys came together as a group of no more than 3 people and started a youtube channel that wasn’t a success. They soon would recruit more people to do more parts of the show and grow their channel. They now have over 40 people and 6 different shows. When they recruited Zach Jobe is when things really took off. He was a witty smart guy who loved cars. But, everybody together is what is so inspirational. They love their jobs and they work together well.

[P.S. There is more people than this, just put the most popular ones.]

What is important to me?

The things other than, you know…
f a m i l y ,  f o o d ,  w a t e r ,  s h e l t e r ,  T h a t  s t u f f . . .

I Like Cars.

I love cars. I don’t really know what about them is so cool, but I think I have an idea. It’s probably how it works. All of the intricate little components (and the big ones too) working together in harmony creating this big cool looking, metal thing. And all of this together makes this incredible noise (with the right exhaust) that brings your soul to life.





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