Passion Project ~ 9

Robotic Arm – Grade 9

My passion project is a robotic arm, the idea was one that just popped into my head.

I am collaborating with Reilley Pfrimmer on this project and out progress is great.

It started as science fair project but we ran our of time then we decided to make it out passion project.

Our original idea was to make it on a CAD software then print the designs but when that seemed our of reach we ended up using the easy accessibility of Lego Mindstorm to make a prototype that we can present.


This arm took over a month to create


As you can see the arm is quite compact and can move fluently if controlled right

You can also see that when the bicep moves the stand flexes this is just due to how heavy it is and the strain put on the base when most of its weight is shifted


This is to test the range of motion or the arm as you can see it has a hard time making contact with the board and I have to help it but that’s just due to the marker not fully reaching the board.

You can also see that when it is fully to the left it has a hard time pulling back up but that’s just due to too much clearance between the rod and the gear in the linear actuator. So it’s LEGO’s fault not ours.