Projects ~10

Projects ~ Grade 10


Lit Launcher




this is the CAD file of my Lit Launcher iteration 1.


there are multiple parts to it. the green component is the actual launcher, the red component is the structure used to make the launcher a whole. as you can see on the green part there are three pegs these are used to join both parts together the red part has identical negatives of these pegs on the backside, these are to be glued in the final model. There is a spring connecting the spoon to the base and is what generates the elastic energy to launch the projectile.


this print has been the toughest one yet, due to the complex nature of the spring it has to be printed using a material called PVA(Polyvinyl Alcohol) that melts in water, this material has not been easy to print with to say the least.


This iteration is slightly different from the previous one its quite noticeable that the main spring is missing, this is because that after printing the stricture with PVA and dissolving the structure became very brittle, the cause is unknown.
The spring has been replaced by elastic bands, five of them all folded in half generating the power of 10 elastic bands.
In the picture one of the parts is destroyed, this is on purpose because its original purpose of locking the spoon in the retracted position didn’t go to plan when the 3D printer closed up the hole on the spoon, so I went to ham on it in hopes of getting more drawback with the spoon, which it did.
Instead of a 3D printed dowel I put a brass rod I found instead, this is due to the immense power generated by the elastics a plastic one would break.
The seams of the two main pieces were “welded” together using a hot glue gun, this is to decrease the likelihood of the two pieces separating during operation.
For the testing stage of the launcher I launched a 6g glass marble, the furthest measurement we could measure was 30m/300cm/3000mm/99ft which was actually a below average shot.
The launcher was a big success for range, but accuracy, well that’s another story, the accuracy of the launcher was very bad, I’m sure if i had put more time and effort into this project i could have succeeded I both categories but alas range was all i could take and I’m fine with that.


Gravity Car


Below is the slo-mo video used to measure several statistics for the car

as you an see above our car is screaming by that stop watch pretty fast it crossed the meter gap in between the tape in about 0.5 seconds.


our car is made with the top of a cardboard box, a few pizza cutters, zip ties, and hot glue. the reason for the pizza cutters is that they have the least contact with the ground and therefore less friction and faster time also they add weight which helps cut through our dense atmosphere


Water Pump

This is a personal project done solo

Above is the 3d model of a water pump designed from scratch in fusion 360
Here is roughly how it works:
Mind that all red components are the ones that move
-There is a handle on the upmost left of the model
-When the handle is cranked in a rotational motion the piece connecting the handle to the rotation to linear piece is rotated
-When the connector piece is rotated from the crank the linear conversion tool pulls the piston in a straight line up and down
-The piston creates low pressure when it goes up and high pressure when it goes back down
-When there is low pressure in the chamber water is pulled to fill the low pressure area
-The check valve on the right prevents water from Leaving in the direction it came
-The check valve on the left prevents water from entering from the direction it left
-A steady flow of water should be created moving right to left moving in and out of the chamber based on the pressure within and the check valves preventing the flow from going the wrong direction
At the time of this update the pump is mostly finished i have printed and assembled almost all of the red components and all of the blue components and all that is left is some assembly.


These were done on my own time as a personal project and something to pass the time/improve my fusion 360 skills.