All about me
My name is Naoraiz I am a steam student in Terry fox secondary I am 14 years old I was born in Toronto Ontario My favorite things to do are travelling and playing sports
What is important to you
I like to spend my time in sports because I think they are fun and sports help a person to stay fit mentally and physically.
what or who inspires you
my favorite sport is soccer I like to play it when I am bored or when I have nothing to do my favorite player in soccer is Ronaldo he is Portuguese and he is one of the best soccer players and he is known for his soccer skills.
What is steam
Steam is a program which develops students skills and steam helps students to learn easily steam stands for science technology engineering art and math steam helps students creativity level to go up
why did you choose steam
I choose steam because I heard it was a excellent program and helps students to learn a lot of things I also saw videos about steam and I found it really interesting and fun