Being part of STEAM, this year has been exciting, and we are always creating, building, or designing something new! Here are a few projects we have already accomplished…
Final Nature Collage

Nature Collage Final Look

Nature Collage (Drafting 9/ Tech Ed 9)

In a group of six, we were tasked to create a Nature Collage that exposes people to nature, by showing just how beautiful and vulnerable nature is. My group choose to base our project on the temperate rainforest, and its environmental issues. I was the team designer, and my design was used for the base of the project. Our final project look is a lot like the original draft I made. Overall, this was a fun and creative structure I really enjoyed making with my team.


Salmon Rescue (Drafting 9)

Here, in groups of six and were challenged to design and then create individual prototype solutions to address the decrease in salmon population across BC. Each member is challenged to make two of their own designs, and have everyone’s designs connect and be presented together bye the due date. My two ideas were, tv adds and signs. The tv adds idea is meant to quickly spread the word that salmon are in danger.

Part of a plant through a microscope (Science 9)

A classroom assignment I am proud of is when we went into the lab room and we got look at cells and pieces of plants through a microscope. I was proud of myself because I was able to quickly learn and understand how to use the microscope and I was able to find the cells. I enjoyed doing this assignment with a partner.

Image: Part of a plant through a microscope (x400)

DNA lab sheet

DNA lab sheet (Science 9)

Another assignment was the DNA lab sheet where we created a butterfly’s DNA sequence out of beads. I’m proud of myself for learning the DNA sequence and

ATCG combination. This was fun because I got to choose the animal DNA I wanted and I worked with a partner.

(Image: DNA sheet with bead sequence)


Popsicle Bridge (Tech Ed 9) Click Here For Video

Alexis was my partner for this project.


Race Car (Tech Ed 9)

I designed my own original car with a pointed tip and smooth edges so there’s less resistance so it will go as fast as possible.



Minecraft City (Drafting 9)

For this project I was part of a large group of 6 people. We split the criteria, so everyone had their own part to do. I built the market with Clara and helped with the police station and lake. Everyone had to make their own eco-friendly home for their avatar. Mine was mainly a black and white theme colored home with a splash of blue to make it happier and more appealing.


Point Drawings (Drafting 9)

1 Point:







2 Point:






3 Point:





Good Copy: 2 Point



Vestige Store: Passion Project (Drafting 9)

For my drafting passion project, I teamed up with Clara Myles to create a clothing store. We made a logo and poster about our store so you can learn about our project! We used machinery in the drafting room to make logos plus a designed poster I made in class with a description of the store Clara typed up and printed.