Passion Project Grade 10
Passion Project
Some projects that interest us are making a game with Unity, 3d designing a tripod or making a headphone stand that can hang from the side of my desk.
We selected to make a Racing game with Unity.
The cost is free because Unity is free and I just need to download it on my computer, the required materials are just a computer, and the equipment is also a computer.
The estimated time to complete this project is at least a few months if not longer, I think we will have some of the basics of the game done by the STEAM fair, but I think it won’t be completely finished because there’s always a way to improve. For May 1st we should have a working car that can move.
From my teacher advisor, I don’t need many things because it is mostly a project of learning how to code and implement it into Unity to create the game we want. But one thing that the meetings are good for is to show how much is completed as we go along, and we could save some screenshots of what is completed for each and every meeting to see the project come together.
We have a Trello page to keep track of what we need to do, what we are doing, and what we have done. Here is a screenshot of the Trello page: Link To The Trello
In the tutorials tab, there are just some of the tutorials we have been watching and using to learn how to use Unity, in the car tutorials tab there are tutorials on how to create the driving for the car and the other tutorials tab is just for other tutorials we found (that may be useful) while looking for the ones we needed. There is the Documents tab which is just a link to this document. And lastly, the To Do, Doing, and Done tabs are just so we can keep track of what we need to do what we are doing and what we have done.
The main design proposal is to have a racetrack with cars that can drive and go through the checkpoints to complete the race. We are planning to make it look similar to this (for this image I just went to google and searched racing game and just found one that looks similar to what we want to do):
Where there are cars and other ai cars to race against with a timer and checkpoints throughout the race.
During these past few weeks, we have just been learning how to code with C# and learning how to navigate Unity and what things do and how to do specific things, as well as doing the tutorial games that Unity has to get more familiar with the way that unity works because we have never used unity previously.
STEP 2: April 17 to May 1
- Complete Map [Completed]
- Add road to map [Completed]
- Driveable car on the map [Pending]
Some things that we did over these past 2 weeks is we made a map with some hill and just a basic grassy hill with some mountains, and we also made the road that going through the mountains for you to race on.
We said that we would have a drivable car done by this meeting, but we didn’t end up getting it done because the map took much longer than we expected it to.
So, we are planning on getting the driving done by the next meeting instead.
STEP3: May 1 to May 15
- Find car asset that looks good (edit it maybe) [Complete]
- Code car driving [Still Pending]
- Maybe have a basic working car [Still Pending]
We have a map like we said last meeting, we have imported a car that we downloaded from the unity asset store. We have tried some different ways to get the car to drive but so far all of them have failed, one way we tried was to make the wheels colliders, but it didn’t allow me to set the wheels as colliders we also tried to set the body of the car as a vehicle model but it wouldn’t work because I wasn’t able to set the wheels as colliders.
So, for the most part of the past two weeks we have been trying to get the car to drive/work properly, but it hasn’t worked yet, so we are going to try and find a different tutorial on YouTube that will hopefully work the way we need it to.
Our goal for the next meeting is to finally get it to work and have a drivable car.
STEP 4: May 15 to 29
- Have a working car
We have a map and a road like before and we have solved our problems with the car, and we have been able to make it drive successfully.
Our goal for when it’s due is to have a menu/controls button to show you what to do as well as having some HUD done, like a speed counter.
STEP 5 May 29 to Jun 5 (Due on 5th)
- Have a fully working race game with a track and a map.
- Have working mechanics with specific key binds that you can use to drive “wasd” or “ARROW” keys being main driving keys.
Final Prep (June 5 to 14th)
- Do final testing to work out any bugs if there is any.
- Make a poster to have on our station with some brief info.
- Make a clip of us driving through the map that we can play on loop for people to see the game without actually playing
Final Project
We did finally get the game to work, we decided to name it Mountain Rush and if you want you can download it here. Also here is a video of me driving through the map.