Student Spaceflight Experiments Program Page:
The SD43 SSEP community invites all students, K-12, to participate in designing a Mission Patch. Mission patches have been part of human spaceflight since the days of Project Mercury in the 1960s. The Student Spaceflight Experiments Program [SSEP] Mission Patch Competition therefore allows communities to engage in another authentic aspect of the space program.
Upload and embed your Mission Patch to your SSEP page – Due February 1st.
Submit a link to your SSEP PAGE in Microsoft Teams:
Copy the URL link to your published page and submit it through your Digital Learning Team. Remember, this current editing page is not your published page, you want to either select the permalink above this text editing area or highlight the URL (https://…) when you are viewing the public page.
The investigation will study the effects of microgravity on osmosis using ramen noodles as our test subject. The hypothesis is that the ramen noodles will absorb more water in microgravity than in earth’s gravity. The rationale for this is that in space each noodle is fully expanded due to microgravity, while on earth the noodle may be compressed which would cause it to lose water and space for water. The importance of this investigation is that there could be undiscovered issues with osmosis in microgravity which would cause certain foods to be unfit for space travel, hopefully we make a discovery that allows us to find a new source or storage method for food in space. Very nice!