This page is about my portfolio of drafting.
1 point perspective
- It’s my first work in drafting. It is my second drawing, my first drawing was looks messy, and lines didn’t connect, so I draw it again. The picture has a table, window, door and light. I make a shadow on it.
- It draw about a room.
2. 2 point perspective
- It is my second work. Everythings good, but the window’s lines are not stright and didn’t connect well. It’s little bit messy.
- It draw about a building.
- It was really hard to draw trash can.
3. 3 point perspective
- I draw about the city. The roads not constant, and the building’s windows are messy too. It draw about a city.
- Cars looks like a box, and lines didn’t connected well.
4.1 color sticker
- It is my first work, using a sticker.
- I made a pacman.
- It designed very simple.
- I use autodesk to design this sticker.
5. Multi – color sticker
- I make a sticker with multiful color.
- I make a DWG’s logo, that name of gaming team.( Now team name is “D+kia”)
- I used blue,black, and white.
- I really like it, because I made sticker about league of legends.
6.Personal logo
I make it with my initial. I make it very simple design, and I used blue and red.
7.Maze, and answer
- I draw the maze with autocad.
- I put my initial, fox, and logo of gaming team.
- I thought the maze is hard, but people said it’s too easy.
- I make a coin with laser box.
- I design 2 Canadian dollar, and it is little bit bigger than real coin.Except for that it is perfect.
9.3D drawing
- I draw 3D picture, it was easy.
- I make them have a shadow, and some part don’t have a shadow.
10. 3D windmail
- It’s my first project that use 3D printing.
- When I desgin the winmail it was really hard to desgin it to work.
11. 3D printing old televison
- I used fusion 360 to make televion and it is for our steam tower.
- First i want to make old televison, but result looks like microwave.
- I lost my project so i don’t have picture of old televison.
12. Tower floor
- It takes so long to finish it.
- First we design it and I design it. When I design it in fusion 360, I fail so much. My first project has wall problem, and second design was I didn’t make it separate wall and floor. Finally I design it correctly .
13.Passion project
- I work Passion project with Josh
- We made Useless box
- We use arduino board, sticker, 3D printing and Fusion 360
- I have website of it