This is my first progress report for my passion project. We made a useless box, and the reason why we made it is ,because Josh wanted to make it. We think arcade game machine, but it sound like hard to make it, so we make a Useless box.
steps of what we did
- Figure out the dimensions of the box
- Make a demo box
- Make a actual box
- Arduino board(coding)
- Group every parts (motors, arduino board, arm)
- Fix other problems
Step 1 (Figure out the dimensions of the box)
When we figure out the dimensions of the box we don’t know how big is switch, so we just make a square hole and make another hole for wire that give power to Arduino board. Hole for switch is 3cm to 3cm, because the picture of switch looks like 3cm, and we can measure the wire, because we have a wire. When we measure the our first box we made it 10cm to 15, because one of Josh’s pencil case’s size looks really good to use box, so we copy the pencil case and choose the height of the box.