September 20

About Me

“You can overcome anything, if and only if you love something enough.” – Lionel Messi

This quote is meaningful to me because Lionel Messi is one of my favorite soccer players and how this quote comes from him is important but its also meaningful because its mainly about soccer Messi was a soccer player and he overcame his disability and now he is the best footballer in the world. I hope one day I could play professional soccer for a team because soccer is my sport I love it and I am good at it My Dad helps me everyday working drills with me and I think as Messi said If I like soccer enough I could make it. This quote makes me think I could do whatever I want to achieve in life because its so inspirational and demanding.



Embedded video:

Fight Back! Lionel Messi – Never Give Up – YouTube

This is a motivational video about Lionel Messi. In recent years Messi had some tough days, especially in the Champions League. His dream to win again the trophy was destroyed in horrible ways. Many times people thought that Messi is over and he will give up. But every time, he proved his haters and came back stronger. This video is important to me because I am small as well and I learned to develop how Messi did by learning from him. It doesn’t matter how tall the others are or how big they are all that matters is your mentality. I really like Messi and I think that he is the world’s greatest ever!


3) Inspiring Picture:

See the source image

This is an inspiring photo because this is my favorite teams stadium, Manchester City. This is mainly Inspirational because I want to be one of those players on the Pitch, playing their heart out for a club that they love and admire just like me. The Manchester City club is my Favorite team because the first ever soccer game I watched was a Manchester City game then I fell in love with the team and club.


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This Hyperlink is to a draft premier league fantasy I chose this site because it helps me learn about the premier league but it also helps me with my boredom. I get very bored sometimes and this site helps with that I use it most of the time and I really like this site. I am in a league that I compete in that uses premier league players. The amount of goals, tackles, assists and what not makes points if I have that player in my Team.