Memorable Write
For my memorable write I am choosing to talk about what was supposed to be on this page. So originally this was supposed to be a Minecraft project where we must make a story and act out a natural disaster in Minecraft education and if you have ever played Minecraft education then you know how bad it is at creating things. We were given 2 weeks to complete the project but that was not enough time to complete it and 1 week into it they told us to work on it over spring break, but the entire class went away over the break. So, when we got back, we worked on it again, but most kids were still trying to figure out how to create the disaster. For us we chose to create a tsunami, but we never really were able to make it work without it breaking. In the end most kids complained that the project was almost impossible to get a good grade on because of the bad look of all the projects with Minecraft education. So, in the end we were tasked with writing about anything we wanted for our English page and here we are. Overall, the whole thing was funny and like a waste of class time which I am not complaining about. We did end up completing the project, but it was not that good, so I do not think I will be putting it on the page.