The “Bean” Project
We have been growing beans over the past 13 days in the science room. Day 1-8 I was away but absolutely nothing happened to the beans but on day 9, three beans got mold including mine. So we added 3 new beans which didn’t grow until day 13 where one has started growing. So far only 5 beans have grown at all and the rest are barely taking any water and not growing at all. We are using hot water on some beans and cold water on the others and so far the only ones that are growing are the cold water ones.
Very soon we are going to move the tall beans out and into pots where they can grow on wood pallets and grow even taller without breaking. At that point we will water them every 2 days instead of every day which might kill some of them. After that we will move them outside and into the garden and water them on long sunny day streaks. After the garden is really the end of the bean project where we leave them and see how long they will survive. We might try another plant after they go into the garden and repeat that project.