For my Passion project I decided to make a 2d platformer video game. I’ve always wanted to challenge myself to make a game and this seemed like the perfect chance too so here we are. For this first year I made a demo for the actual game seeing that we had to create everything from scratch including code we didn’t have time to create a fully functioning game. I also have a partner for the game which is Tyler and his job was to create the sprites for the game and if you don’t know what those are they are the look of everything in the game reaching from floor to the actual player.
By the time it was the day to present we had 2 fully functioning levels including a parkour level and a fighting area. As well as having a enemy AI player ability’s ranging from dashing double jump and fireballs. It as quite slow to make each new feature most taking up to 2 days if not more to make and patch out the bugs. If you think this was easy to make you would be dead wrong we faced many many bugs and glitches ranging from files being deleted, corrupted, or just not working. The main n=bug that I had to face was building the map because very time I tried it would always bring up a new bug and not fix the reoccurring issue.
But in the end everything worked fine and there were no glitches to be found we presented our project in the fare and many students played our game and raced each other to see who could complete the levels faster. Throughout working I’ve learned to never think that making a game was easy and now I’ve learned to actually spite codding. But after completing the game it was nice to see it work and look nice as well as seeing many people play the game. Next time we have the fair I’m defiantly going to give myself more time to work on the project.