About Me

Image result for soccer plsying

Hello! My name is Tyler and I am currently 14 years old.

My main hobby is soccer and right now I currently play div 3 soccer as a midfielder.

My favourite things to do are to hang out with friends, play video games, read books and practice soccer with my friends. 

The things that are important to me are my family and friends because they have always been around to help me. They make me laugh and smile, They cheer me up if I am feeling down and they care about me. That is why they are the most things important to me.

My dad  has inspired me a lot. He inspired me to want to work hard in life so that I can live the best possible that I can.  He also inspired me to want to be the best I at soccer and taught me the values of trying your best. That is why he is the person that inspires me the most.

STEAM for me is a group of classes that is a bit more advanced than normal classes. It also teaches you to use the skills that you have learned in other classes and how to use them in real life situations.

I chose to join STEAM because i wanted to try something new and I thought that STEAM would be different from normal classes. I also wanted to create thing like a 3d pumpkin, plane or castle in the 3d printer. That is why I wanted to join STEAM.

My meaningful Quote Don’t be afraid to start over and create the life you want for yourself – Karen Salmanshon. I chose this quote because people should try and create the life that they want for themselves and they should not be afraid to change themselves for the life that they want. Embedded Video:

I chose this video because mainly because i have a cat. When I am relaxing I always see her running around and it gave me the idea to put a funny cat video. I decided to choose this video because I had always wondered what cat’s are saying in their head and because of it being funny.

  My inspiring photo: Mayorga Getting Up - Sportige I chose this picture because it is someone getting up when they got knocked down. It shows that even when you fall you should always try and get up and push forward through whatever challenge it may be.


  Hyperlink: Soccer news

For my hyperlink I chose to do one that leads me to my favourite sport, soccer. The reason I chose this link was because this link happened to be the first I had found. But another reason I decided to not find another link was because this link keeps me up with soccer and what is going on.