This year in drafting I have created a bath bomb mold, a gravity car, a marble run, and a cardboard boat.
Creating The Bath Bomb
Creating the bath bomb was a fun project that used my skills of making 3d projects using Fusion360 and using the 3d printer. For the design I chose to create a heart on one side and to create a cat on the other as I wanted to give it to my mom.
The designing of the project was probably the most time consuming part because of the little details that were mainly on the cat. To get the bath bomb out of the mold easier I decided that I would make an inner layer and an outer layer which when i made the bath bomb did not help much.
Final Design of Bath Bomb and 3d Printed:
Creating the Gravity Car
The second project that I did was to create a gravity car. For the project me and my partner had to create a car that would go 1m in the least amount of time. The software’s we used in this project were 360, a laser cutter, and a 3d printer.
To create the car we had to first think of a rough shape that we wanted the car. after we found the rough shape of the car we created 3d shapes that could go into the shape we wanted and made a way so that they could connect. After we made sure it connected we created wheel designs and an axel for the front.
The second to last step was to create holes for wheels and to cut/create all the pieces using the laser cuter and a 3d printer. The final step was to assemble and add colour to the car.
Finished product:
Creating an Infinite Marble run.
The 3rd project I did was one of my favourite project this year. For this project we had to create something that could fly, move, make it small or create a 3d picture using Autodesk software’s. Me and my partner decided to do make it move.
The first thing we did was look at other marble runs for inspiration on things we could add to our project. After that we created a rough sketch on thing to put on and where we wanted to put them.
After we found out were we wanted to put things we went on fusion 360 and started our design by making a baseplate and a start point which we decided to create a tower for that.
After adding more obstacles we had to figure a way to make the marble return back to the top.
This was a painful process that took lot’s of failed attempts to create and in the end we decided to make an elevator that would rotate with a hand crank.
Making the designs took a while to do but after it was all done all we had to do was to make the pieces and put them in the correct spots.
This project taught we a lot of things like how to more efficiently use fusion 360 and to not procrastinate on big projects.
Finished Product:
Creating the Cardboard Boat.
The fourth project that we did was have to create a scaled down version of a cardboard boat that we will create for a boat race. To make this project I used Fusion 360 and a laser cuter.
The first thing i had to do was think of a scale I could use which i chose a 1:8 scale so the design I did was 8 times smaller than the real design. Next all I had to do was create a design for the boat and laser cut it out.
Finished Project: