A project that we had to do for English that is memorable for me is creating a Minecraft video about a natural disaster that has happened recently. In this project me and my group decided to create a video about the Indian earthquake tsunami disaster. The reason we chose to do this was because it had the second most amount of casualties and we thought it would be a cool topic to create. During the project we had a lot of challenges but in the end we had fun creating the 2 minute video.
Challenges: Some of the challenges that we experience are having to remake the tsunami, making a good earthquake effect, making building efficiently, figuring out who did what in the project and fining reliable resources. Other than those challenges we breezed through to project and i think that we did really good in the end.
Overall we had a very fun time creating the Minecraft video. The only thing that we would have done different is spending more time on the Minecraft design layout and making the location have more detail in it. That was what my memorable assignment was in English.