Here is a step-by-step tutorial on how to create a marble run using Fusion 360.
-Computer, Fusion 360, laser cutter, 3d printer, wood, and marbles.
Step 1: Inspiration
The first step that we took was to find inspiration for pieces like a rotating wheel or staircase and to think of pieces that you want in your project.
Step 2: Mapping out
The second step is to map out on a piece on paper where you want the pieces to go and most importantly find out where you want the marble to start and finish.
Step 3: Making platform
The third step is to make a platform for all the pieces you want to add to go into. To do this you start by creating a sketch using the sketch tool and creating a square or rectangle.
After the sketch is completed yo want to use the extrude tool and raise the sketched object by left clicking on it and putting in the height you want the baseplate to be. After it is raised duplicate it on top of one another and make holes and pegs to go into the corners of you plate so that it cant move.
Step 4: Making The Start
The fourth step is to create your start. For our start we decided to create a tower that would drop the marble to 3 layers then drop down into the next piece. To create the tower you first have to find the height, length, and width you want it to be. We chose ours to have a height of 250mm, a length of 130mm, and a width of 24mm. The first step is to create two rectangles 130mm apart and 250mm high. After that you want to create 3 ramps for the marble to go down. The ramps should be made so a marble is able to roll on it and a hole at the end so the marble can drop down. After all 3 ramps are made, put the ramps at an angle between the rectangles and make holes in the rectangle so that the ramps can stay in place.
Step 5: Making Rails.
The fifth step is to create rails for the marble to move from one obstacle to the other. To make the rails all you have got to do is create a sketch and make two rectangles a little less than a marble distance apart. If you want it to look better add some curves in it or something like a bump.
Step 6: Making More Obstacles.
The sixth step is to create more obstacles. For our design we added a wheel, a funnel, and some staircases but for your design you can add anything you want. To create the rest of the obstacles all you have to do is like before, create a sketch and make the shape you want and extrude or make holes in it. Then all you have to do is decide how you will combine the all together.
Step 7: Back To The Beginning
The seventh step is to make a way so that the marble goes back to the beginning. for our design we chose to create an elevator. To create the elevator you have to first make a sketch and make a rough idea of the shape you want. next what you want to do is extrude it and copy and paste it around 20mm beside the first copy.
Next what you have to do is create stairs for the marble to go on. To do this you have to make many different pieces because they can’t all be attached together as the pieces need to rotate around in a loop which is not possible if all the pieces are connected. Next you’ve got to make holes at the top and bottom of the elevator so that axels can go in there so when you add a piece of paper around them the stairs can rotate around. Next all you have to do is connect it with all the other pieces to make a full loop.
Step 8: Making a Hand Crank.
The final step is designing is to make a hand crank so that all the pieces like an elevator or wheel are able to move. Don’t forget when making that hand crank that it needs to be connected to all of the moving pieces.
Step 9: Making pieces.
The second to last step is to make the pieces. For this all you need to do is laser cut them or 3d print the pieces. It all just depends on the piece you need to make.
Step 10: Assembly.
The final step is to assemble all of the pieces together and glue them down so they don’t move. Once you are done assembling then you are done and you can now use it as an infinity marble run.