Welcome 2

Welcome back again!

Shape of the day:

  • Questionnaire about you!
  • Name Tag – First graphic
  • How to use our class website
  • Apps and websites that we like – Discussion

Website of the day: http://www.patatap.com/– View the code! Go back to yesterday’s featured site.

1. Complete the form about you – tell me about yourself!

Click here for the questionnaire all about you


2. Creating a Name Tag

You get some choice for this one – you can use:

  • Pixlr Express (Photo Editer/Collage Maker)
  • Microsoft Paint (Free hand illustrator)
  • Canva (Graphic Design Tool) – need to sign up for an account, it’s free!
  • Google Doc (Word Processor & Document Editor)


3. Class Website Scavenger Hunt 

Find the following items – write down your answers on paper or on your computer!

  1. What are two ways you can contact Mr. Chastkavich online?
  2. Where can you find what we did in class?
  3. What are the three components of a website we will be learning about?
  4. Name a component you will be graded on. Put it in your own words.
  5. I will be showing you at least one new website a day, where can you find the updated list of these websites?
  6. What will be the purpose of the Helpful Pages and Tools webpage?
  7. Where will you be able to find other Student’s webpages?
  8. What are some new/other terminology you will learn in this class?
  9. What room number are we in?
  10. What are the two ways you can get to the home page?

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