Course Name: Math 9

Course Teacher: Amin, Heena


1. List off ALL the functional procedures you used in this class?

Uploading and/or downloading

Saving to a cloud (Office 365)

Accessing work on multiple devices (ie. at home and at school)

2. Describe one digital tool or resource you found useful in this class. How did you use it and why was it useful?

cell phone: it’s useful to use as calculator when i have no calculator because it’s easy to carry.

3. Describe a tool, app, or resource you are hoping to use in the future. What would you use it for?

Graph app: I think it will be useful to show how graph looks like if we setting like this and that.


Course Name: ADST-Food study 9

Course Teacher: Hess, Kathlene

1. List off ALL the functional procedures you used in this class?

Using a search engine

Sending/responding to an emailCollaborating online

Cutting/pasting text, pics or links

2. Describe one digital tool or resource you found useful in this class. How did you use it and why was it useful?

cell phone: In the food study, there is no ppt or document activities so cell phone is more appropriate to bring in class than computer because it’s easy to carry. And we use it to search recipe and send the collage about favorite food.

3. Describe a tool, app, or resource you are hoping to use in the future. What would you use it for?

Food Recommendation app: I wanna know what foods are needed to balance my diet.


Course Name: English Art Language 9

Course Teacher: Ms. Mazzucco

1. List off ALL the functional procedures you used in this class?


2. Describe one digital tool or resource you found useful in this class. How did you use it and why was it useful?

we don’t use any devices in English 9

3. Describe a tool, app, or resource you are hoping to use in the future. What would you use it for?

Dictionary app: we can use it when we find some words and synonym or antonym,


Course Name: science 9

Course Teacher: Grossi, Pietro

1. List off ALL the functional procedures you used in this class?

Uploading and/or downloading

Sending a link

Scanning a document

Saving to a cloud (Office 365)

2. Describe one digital tool or resource you found useful in this class. How did you use it and why was it useful?

Laptop: It is useful to do activities about science lab and make (and downloading)documents by using the Words.

3. Describe a tool, app, or resource you are hoping to use in the future. What would you use it for?

App that can see chemical reactions: I have interest in chemical; especially chemical reaction when I mix it. But sometimes it’s a little bit dangerous to see chemical reaction by experiment, so I wanna see chemical reaction by app safely.