Who am I? My name is Robert. I am a 14 year old boy born in Moscow, Russia. I was born on February 22 and some of my favorite things to do are playing hockey, piano, and of course, videogames. I am interested in coding and all kinds of science, like physics, chemistry, and astronomy.
What is important to me? I don’t want to be repetitive, so I will just add pictures of things I like to do. All of the things important to me and what I do with my time are in my introduction paragraph.
Who inspires me? Definitely my friends. I love being competitive, so I am always trying my best to do better than my friends.
What is STEAM? The way I understand it is STEAM is a program that teaches kids how to do things that are applicable in the real world. Maybe not everything is useful for everyone, for instance, the A in STEAM is for art, and I hate art with a burning passion, but some people seem to like it. I like science, which is the S in STEAM, and some people don’t.
Why did I choose STEAM? I chose STEAM because the only things I hear about high school is how useless it is and how it is just stressful for no reason. I hear from adults that most of the things they learned in high school were not used once since they got out, and their whole day consisted of boring, menial worksheets and tasks that had no purpose. I think so far, STEAM is looking to be a good experience for me, because I am doing something I thought I would never have time to do, which is learn to code.