1. Describe a bullying situation from one of the resources above. What does the situation cover?

Griefing: This form of online harassment takes place in an online gaming environment. In which your teammates, enemies, or so-called friends, attack and harass you in-game. They could purposefully kill you, or steal your loot, etc. Bullies could even get onto a voice chat in some online games and harass you even further from there.

2. What strategies does the resource show to deal with these types of situations?

This situation is described fully in its paragraph, and there are also different solutions listed as well. Such as: Blocking or reporting in-game, Don’t join arguments in chat, or maybe even trying out other games.

3. In your own words, what do you think it means to be a Digital Leader?

To take action when you see something happening. If you hear about someone being bullied or harassed online, reporting posts and other things like that are amazing acts of leadership. It also takes a lot of courage to confront someone about their bullying of others but even texting someone specifically and asking them to take a post down or apologize to the victim.