English as an Additional Language

The following courses are required for ELL students who are new to Canada or who need to improve their English language proficiency.

English Acquisition I

Course Code: XLDCA10EAL

For students who are beginning learners of English or who are experiencing difficulties with all aspects of English listening, speaking, reading and writing. This course is suitable for students in grades 9-12.

English Acquisition II

Course Code: XLDCB10EAL

This course provides additional support for EAL students who have passed EAL Beginners, but need further instruction in basic reading, writing and speaking skills.

This course is suitable for students in grades 9-12.

English Language Development 10

Course Code: YESFLOA

The course is designed to continue to develop the four main English language skills of reading, writing, listening, and speaking to EAL students.  It also encourages the viewing and representation of materials.  The course focuses on reinforcing strategies needed to read, write and extract information successfully in English, and addresses specific needs of students regarding language and culture.  Throughout the course, students participate in authentic real-life situations. Students demonstrate growth in English language proficiency through oral, visual, and a variety of written forms.  Students identify and compare their own customs to Canadian culture.

Introduction to Academic Language 10

Course Code: YESFL0B

This course is designed to build students’ writing, speaking, listening, and reading competencies by introducing them to a variety of text genres, registers, structures, forms, and styles. Included in this course are the elements that make up Canadian Culture, Geography, and History (cultural identity and First Peoples culture). and acquaints students new to Canada with Canadian culture and customs and prepares students for Social Studies and English courses.  This course is suitable for students in gr. 10 -12.

English Language Development 11

Course Code: YESFL1B

This course is designed for students who has successfully completed English Language Development 10 and have a first language other than English.  The course is designed to extend the students’ exploration of the English language skills of reading, listening, speaking, and viewing, with a particular emphasis on intercultural competency, academic vocabulary, genre, and written expression.