Drama courses at Terry Fox are exciting electives for students who want to experience a full range of acting skills, theatre history, improvisation games, character analysis, script work and more.
Drama 9
Course Code: MDR–09
Students are introduced to the basics of performing on stage including voice, movement, and character. Essential ensemble skills are taught early in the course. Possible projects include monologue presentations, lip sync performances and scripted scenes.
Drama 10
Course Code: MDRM-10
Drama 10 is an introductory theatre course built on creative drama and theatre. Students will work on a variety of scenes exploring character analysis, movement and voice technique. Students will explore a variety of types of performance such as improv, ensemble creation, and realism. Students will have frequent opportunities to perform.
Musical Theatre 10, 11, 12
Course Code: MMUTH10
BY AUDITION ONLY. Instructor permission required.
Dreaming of being a Broadway star?! Musical Theatre is a high-intensity course for students passionate about theatre. In September, students audition for a role in a full-scale production of a published Broadway musical. Students who are cast will work at a professional pace in rehearsal to learn their roles in singing, dancing, and acting. Students must be diligent in practicing and preparing on their own time. Through this process, students will experience all phases of a professional production from auditioning to performing with all required technical elements. This course runs linearly out of the regular timetable; rehearsals are in the evenings after school. Previous Drama classes or performance experience is highly recommended.
Choosing this course during course selection indicates the student’s intention to audition.
Directing & Script Development 11/12
11 Course Code: MDRDS11
12 Course Code: MDRDS12
Drama 11 highly recommended
This course is designed around the writing, directing, and producing of plays. Students will study plays using various styles of analysis and direct their own scenes. The Directing and Scriptwriting class will be combined with other drama classes providing the scriptwriting student with actors to work with. Students need to have a passion for theatre & writing and be well organized, reliable and trustworthy.
Drama 11
Course Code: MDRM-11
Drama 9, 10, or previous performance experience highly recommended.
Drama 11 is a theatre course that builds on the skills taught in Drama 9 and 10. Exploration of the discipline will focus on voice, movement, research, improvisation and character analysis. Students will further study the history and elements of various styles of theatre and be involved in numerous performances.
Musical Theatre 10, 11, 12
Course Code: MMUTH10
BY AUDITION ONLY. Instructor permission required.
Dreaming of being a Broadway star?! Musical Theatre is a high-intensity course for students passionate about theatre. In September, students audition for a role in a full-scale production of a published Broadway musical. Students who are cast will work at a professional pace in rehearsal to learn their roles in singing, dancing, and acting. Students must be diligent in practicing and preparing on their own time. Through this process, students will experience all phases of a professional production from auditioning to performing with all required technical elements. This course runs linearly out of the regular timetable; rehearsals are in the evenings after school. Previous Drama classes or performance experience is highly recommended.
Choosing this course during course selection indicates the student’s intention to audition.
Theatre Production 11
Course Code: MDRTP11
The students will be involved with the design and construction of sets for plays and/or musicals produced by the drama department. It is recommended that students have woodwork or art experience. Specific objectives are to develop student talent in the field of scenic design, set and properties construction.
Directing & Script Development 11/12
11 Course Code: MDRDS11
12 Course Code: MDRDS12
Drama 11 highly recommended
This course is designed around the writing, directing, and producing of plays. Students will study plays using various styles of analysis and direct their own scenes. The Directing and Scriptwriting class will be combined with other drama classes providing the scriptwriting student with actors to work with. Students need to have a passion for theatre & writing and be well organized, reliable and trustworthy.
Drama 12
Course Code: MDRM-12
Drama 9, 10, or 11 are highly recommended.
Drama 12 is a theatre course that builds on the skills taught in previous Drama courses. Students will refine their skills in voice, movement, research, improvisation and character analysis. This course prepares the acting student who would like to pursue theatre at the university level or who would like a career in the arts. Theatre history and modern theatre practices are covered in further detail. Students will be involved in numerous performances.
Musical Theatre 10, 11, 12
Course Code: MMUTH10
BY AUDITION ONLY. Instructor permission required.
Dreaming of being a Broadway star?! Musical Theatre is a high-intensity course for students passionate about theatre. In September, students audition for a role in a full-scale production of a published Broadway musical. Students who are cast will work at a professional pace in rehearsal to learn their roles in singing, dancing, and acting. Students must be diligent in practicing and preparing on their own time. Through this process, students will experience all phases of a professional production from auditioning to performing with all required technical elements. This course runs linearly out of the regular timetable; rehearsals are in the evenings after school. Previous Drama classes or performance experience is highly recommended.
Choosing this course during course selection indicates the student’s intention to audition.
Theatre Production 12
Course Code: MDRTP12
Theatre Production 11 is highly recommended
This course is a continuation of the work and theory of Theatre Production 11.